Pedestal Mount

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Jul 17, 2020 8:23:35 PM

General Dimensions: W 24” X D 24” X H 46” 

Radios: 8+ X Ericsson 2203

Materials: Steel

META was approached by a telecommunications company to implement a pedestal to work within the city of Richmond creating a radio cabinet for multiple carriers. The pedestal comes complete with a solar powered fan and ample ventilation to remove the inevitable heat created by upwards of eight radios. The aesthetic came from careful evaluation of the immediate surroundings which included railroad switch tracks.  This new device would have the benefit of concealing new equipment in an enclosure that the public is already familiar with and improve the timeline for the local jurisdiction’s approval. 

The Richmond pedestal is yet another example of META’s ingenuity and showcases our capability for creative thinking and strategy.